Drawing Array Areas and Generating Array Layouts

  • updated 2 mths ago

View these training videos to learn how to use the SolarNexus Drawing Tools.

NOTE - We recommend setting playback at 1.5X or 1.2X speeds.


  • Axes Rotation: Up / Down keys
  • Override direction snap: Hold down Shift key
  • Override object/vertex snap: Hold down CTRL key








Handling Errors

If you get an error when trying to layout arrays that says "colinear points", it means you have set multiple points along the same line. This is easily fixed by deleting extra points. For example:

Using Custom Imagery

In the case of new construction or if satellite imagery is not available, users can now upload custom imagery, as described in What Array Design Options Do I Have?

Users are responsible for preparing the custom imagery to upload.  Tips on how to do this are shown in this video.

This video demonstrates how to upload the custom imagery and specify the scale. 

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