Administration - Importing Sold and In-Progress Jobs

  • 4 mths ago

To ease your teams transition into using SolarNexus for managing your projects, SolarNexus can import your currently sold and in-process projects, and assign to each milestones that reflect (or approximately reflect) each jobs current point in your fulfillment process. Note that we provide separate import features for completed jobs, and for new unsold leads.

The process works as follows:

  1. Download and save a copy of the sample CSV file we have provided. You may want to name the file to indicate the source of data you will be populating into it.
  2. Open the sample file and view data that can be imported.
  3. Acquire your source data in a suitable format (may be CSV or spreadsheet format).
  4. Manipulate your source data into the format defined by the SolarNexus sample CSV file:
    • Copy data from your source and paste it into the appropriate column of the CSV file. Another approach is to copy the appropriate column name from the SolarNexus sample CSV file into your source file. Either is fine.
    • Please don’t alter the column headers of the SolarNexus CSV file, they should remain intact in order to successfully import your data.
    • Ensure that your source data meet all the data requirements described in the Field Requirements definition (see below). Some fields require data, while many can be left blank. Also, some fields require one of a specific set of values to be provided (for example, customer type must be one of these exact values: Individual, Business, or Government).
  5. Save your file in CSV format (if not already).
  6. Point SolarNexus to your file to begin import (on this screen, browse to the file on your hard drive).
  7. A sold and in-process job will be created and associated with the provided customer for each line in the CSV. Milestones that reflect the job's current point in the process will be populated.
  8. Review messages provided by SolarNexus on the import process status.
  9. Review the Installs screen. You will see your jobs and their current milestones. In some cases you may need to complete milestones to advance the job to reflect its actual current project status. You may also need to assign some milestones to users.


Column/Field Definitions

The table below describes all the columns for the import file. Note that many columns have STRICT requirements for the data that can be input. You must manipulate any existing data to ensure that it conforms to the described requirements.

Data Types

  • Text - Can accept any characters. NOTE that this is a COMMA SEPARATED VALUE file, so none of your field values should contain a comma.
  • Number - Only accepts numerical values. May include a decimal point. Do not include symbols or labels like "$".


* - if a required value is not provided in CSV, SolarNexus will automatically assume the default value and populate it.

  Column Name Date Type



Fields to Define Your Customer

You can define the customer for each job by either providing customer information populate


Existing Customer ID

(Use when adding jobs to already existing customer records, for example, if you've already imported completed jobs, and you are working on another job for the same customer)


Must use a valid integer ID from your SolarNexus account that identifies an existing customer participant.

To get the existing client ID, search for the customer name, hover over the name to see its "participant ID" or click on the "View All Customer Jobs" link. The ID is visible in the URL, for example: /participants/14/projects, where "14" is the ID in this example.

  Type text Req.*

MUST be one of the following values:

Individual (default) | Business | Government

  Organization Name text   Required IF Type is Business or Government
  Tax Entity text Req.*

MUST be one of the following values:

Individual (default) | Corporation | LLC (Corporation) | LLC (Non-Corporation) | Partnership | Sole Proprietor | Tax Exempt

  Mailing Address Street 1 text    
  Mailing Address Street 2 text    
  Mailing Address City text    
  Mailing Address State text   State code, 2 characters (e.g. CA)
  Mailing Address ZIP number    
  Contact 1 First Name text Req.  
  Contact 1 Last Name text Req.  
  Contact 1 Title text    
  Contact 1 Email text    
  Contact 1 Phone 1 Number text   Numerical characters, parenthesis, dash, dot, spaces.
  Contact 1 Phone 1 Extension text    
  Contact 1 Phone 1 Type text  

MUST be one of following values:

Mobile | Home | Home Fax | Business | Business Fax

  Contact 1 Phone 2 Number text   Numerical characters, parenthesis, dash, dot, spaces.
  Contact 1 Phone 2 Extension text    
  Contact 1 Phone 2 Type text  

MUST be one of following values:

Mobile | Home | Home Fax | Business | Business Fax

  Contact 2 First Name text    
  Contact 2 Last Name text    
  Contact 2 Title text    
  Contact 2 Email text    
  Contact 2 Phone 1 Number text   Numerical characters, parenthesis, dash, dot, spaces.
  Contact 2 Phone 1 Extension text    
  Contact 2 Phone 1 Type text  

MUST be one of following values:

Mobile | Home | Home Fax | Business | Business Fax

  Contact 2 Phone 2 Number text   Numerical characters, parenthesis, dash, dot, spaces.
  Contact 2 Phone 2 Extension text    
  Contact 2 Phone 2 Type text  

MUST be one of following values:

Mobile | Home | Home Fax | Business | Business Fax

Columns that Define Basic Project Information
  Project Name text Req. If not provided, SolarNexus will automatically generate a unique name using the customer information.
  Project Description text   A free text description of the job. 
  Lead Source   Req.* If not provided, SolarNexus will populate "unknown" as the value.
  Sales Owner text  

May ONLY be populated with the first and last name of a user administered in your SolarNexus account. The user may currently be inactive.

Note - If you have sales owners who are no longer with the company or will not be SolarNexus users, we recommend creating a custom field and creating a column at end of this CSV for "legacy sales owner" data.

  Source Application Name text   Optional. If the job originated in a third party software system (such as a CRM) this is the name of that system.
  Source Application Project ID text   Optional. This is the ID of the associated record for this job in the application named above.

Columns that Define the Job Site

Every job has a site. These columns define the location and characterization of the site.

  Project Site Address Street 1 text Req.  
  Project Site Address Street 2 text    
  Project Site Address City text Req.  
  Project Site Address State text Req.  
  Project Site Address ZIP   Req.  
  Project Sector text Req.*

MUST be one of following values:

Residential (default) | Commercial

If not included, default will be used.

  Construction Type text Req.*

MUST use one of the following values:

Retrofit (default) | New Construction

If not included, default will be used.

  Building Designation text  

Optional. MUST be one of the following values:

Single-Family | Multi-Family | Office | Retail Store | Warehouse | House of Worship | K-12 School | Medical Office | Supermarket | Hotel | Other

Import will fail if an illegal value is provided.

  Roof Surface Type text  

Optional. MUST be one of the following values:

Composition Shingle | High-definition Comp Shingle | Composition Roll | Tar & Gravel | Wood Shake | Standing Seam Metal | CalPac Metal | Pro-Panel | Metal Sinusoidal | Foam | Single-Ply TPO | Single-Ply EPDM | Light Weight Concrete Tile | Heavy Concrete Tile | Slate | Spanish Barrel Tile

Import will fail if an illegal value is provided

  AHJ text   Whatever value you provide will be populated into the AHJ field on the Job screen. Advise using values consistent with the values you define in your AHJ database (Resources > Authorities Having Jurisdiction).
  Assessor's Parcel Number text    
  HOA text   TRUE | FALSE
  Property Notes text    
  Estimated Monthly Cost number   Average monthly utility bill amount
  Energy Use Jan number   Individual monthly historic consumption amounts in kWhs.
  Energy Use Feb number  
  Energy Use Mar number  
  Energy Use Apr number  
  Energy Use May number  
  Energy Use Jun number  
  Energy Use Jul number  
  Energy Use Aug number  
  Energy Use Sep number  
  Energy Use Oct number  
  Energy Use Nov number  
  Energy Use Dec number  

Fields to Define the Sold Solution

If your process definition includes milestones relevant to only some services (like most do), its critical to define what was included in the sold scope of work to ensure that the fulfillment process works as expected.

  Solution Description Text   Short text that describes the solution.
  Service1-PV System (service type|name|description|price) Text  

Use only if a PV system is included in the sold scope of work. At minimum, MUST include an accurate service type defined in your account (Administration > Lead and Job Data > Service Types). Name, description, and price are optional. Examples:

Grid-Tie PV|Roof Mount PV System|Description text...|15340.50

Grid-Tie PV|||15340.50

  Module Quantity integer number   If included, must have all 3 fields. Manufacturer and Model values MUST be exact matches of products from your SolarNexus Company Catalog.
  Module Manufacturer text  
  Module Model text  
  Inverter 1 Quantity integer number   If included, must have all 3 fields. Manufacturer and Model values MUST be exact matches of products from your SolarNexus Company Catalog.
  Inverter 1 Manufacturer text  
  Inverter 1 Model text  
  Inverter 2 Quantity integer number   Use if you have a second model of inverter is included in your system. If included, must have all 3 fields. Manufacturer and Model values MUST be exact matches of products from your SolarNexus Company Catalog.
  Inverter 2 Manufacturer text  
  Inverter 2 Model text  
  Service2-Energy Storage (service type|name|description|price) text  

Use only if an energy storage system is included in the sold scope of work. At minimum, MUST include an accurate service type defined in your account (Administration > Lead and Job Data > Service Types). Name, description, and price are optional. Examples:

Energy Storage|Tesla Powerwall2 System|Description text...|10340.50

Energy Storage|||10340.50

  Battery Quantity integer number   If included, must have all 3 fields. Manufacturer and Model values MUST be exact matches of products from your SolarNexus Company Catalog.
  Battery Make text  
  Battery Model text  
  Service3 (service type|name|description|price) text  

Use to define any other general services included in the job's scope of work. Each must contain a valid service type at minimum. Examples:

MPU|Main Service Panel Upgrade|Description of work...|1750.00

EVSE|Electric Vehicle Charging Station||800

  Service4 (service type|name|description|price) text  
  Service5 (service type|name|description|price) text  

Fields to Define Project Process and Current Milestone

ONLY for In-Process Job import. These are the fields necessary to define the processing and reporting for each job.

  Job Process number Req. Unique SolarNexus ID of the job process within which this job should be populated. For example, projects will be populated into the "Standard Project Process." Find this ID by navigating to Administration > Job Processes and selecting the desired process. Copy the ID number from the URL displayed in the browser address.
  Lead Created On text Req. Must use format "mm/dd/yyyy"
  Project Sold On text Req. Must use format "mm/dd/yyyy". Date must be AFTER the Lead Created On date.
  Current Milestones   Req.

This is a unique SolarNexus ID of the milestone(s) defined in the Job Process you wish to create this job into that defines this job's current "To Do" items for the job. Must have one and only one milestone ID on the process definitions "common path".

To get determine the ID(s), first navigate to the desired job process definition (see Job Process above), then click the "Download milestone list in CSV" icon to get a list of milestones and their IDs. For each job, find the relevant milestone ID(s) to populate. If you have more than one ID, these must be separated with a vertical bar character. For example:


Custom Fields

Your CSV may contain additional columns. Use the name of the matching field in SolarNexus as the column heading. If SolarNexus does not find a match, it will ask you to manually map to a field, or ignore it. Some commonly used fields are listed below.

  Financing (legacy) text   Suggest creating a custom field called "Financing (legacy)" for short term use until these jobs are completed (then can remove from Job screen view). This field will not be used as you develop jobs in SolarNexus, which has its own built-in finance company/finance option features. Recommend using one of the following values: cash | unsecured loan | secured loan | PACE loan | lease | PPA
  Finance Company (legacy) text   Suggest creating a custom field called "Finance Company (legacy)" to temporarily store this information for imported jobs. As you develop jobs in SolarNexus, you will use SolarNexus' built-in finance features when creating proposals and contracts. Be sure to populate your CSV column using an exact match of one of the finance company values you have defined in your account administration for Finance Companies. That way if your process varies by finance company the process definition can still work.
  Sales Owner (legacy) text   Suggest creating a custom field to capture names of people no longer with the company or not a SolarNexus user. Going forward, SolarNexus will capture Sales Owner names from current list of users in your account.
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  • 4 mths agoLast active
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