2022 Release Notes

  • updated 2 mths ago

2022-11-25 Release Notes

    • Approve Solution Revision Milestones - Now when creating a solution revision after the sale, SolarNexus automatically creates an "Approve Revision" milestone to aid in tracking the process of getting it approved and instituted as the new solution of record. And because it is now a milestone, you can manage this from the Tasks and Installs screens.
    • Secondary Predecessors have Relevance Rules - Secondary predecessors can now be made relevant to other attributes other than just a sold solution service type.
    • Import Current In-Process Jobs to Current Point in Process - Added new import with ability to create solutions and set current milestone(s).
    • Non-Functional / Software Stack Enhancements
      • Upgraded to Rails6
      • Refactored notifications / object referencing
      • Replace Prawn for Order PDF creation with PDFKit (wkhtmltopdf)
    • Minor Enhancements and Bug Fixes
      • Additional Bonus Depreciation Levels - The latest US Federal "Inflation Reduction Act" incorporated changes to the depreciation rules (100% ends in 2022, 80% in 2023, 60% in 2024, 40% in 2025, and 20% in 2026).
      • API - Allow setting custom milestone status values
      • On milestone defintion, admin can re-order display of defined sub-tasks


2022-10-18 Release Notes

    • TBD - TBD.
    • TBD - TBD.
    • TBD - TBD. 
    • Minor Enhancements and Bug Fixes
      • TBD - TBD.


2022-10-06 Release Notes

    • TBD - TBD.
    • TBD - TBD.
    • TBD - TBD. 
    • Minor Enhancements and Bug Fixes
      • TBD - TBD.


2022-09-14 Release Notes

    • TBD - TBD.
    • TBD - TBD.
    • TBD - TBD. 
    • Minor Enhancements and Bug Fixes
      • TBD - TBD.


2022-08-04 Release Notes

    • TBD - TBD.
    • TBD - TBD.
    • TBD - TBD. 
    • Minor Enhancements and Bug Fixes
      • TBD - TBD.


2022-07-09 Release Notes

  • "Kanban Style" View of Tasks - Tasks screen now includes a Kanban-style view, to help users and managers better visualize and manage their tasks as a board of cards. The column-based view organizes current tasks into cards in columns representing the task type. Unlike typical Kanban, no drag-drop is allowed because workflow is strictly controlled by rules-based process definition.
    • Finance Programs > Finance Company field - Finance programs used to not have a separate field that defined the finance company name (for example, "Mosaic", "Sunlight", "Sungage", etc).
      • Milestone relevance rules can refer to "sold solution finance company" name to simplify rules (one rule to cover ALL finance programs for a given finance company rather than separate rule for each program).
    • "Milestone Group" filter on the Installs and Tasks screens - You can now filter on a group of milestones, as defined in the process definition. Groups like "Sales", "Design and Permitting", "Installation", etc
    • API, Post jobs Enhancement - Many enhancements. See API documentation for complete information. Select updates include:
      • POST jobs - JSON body now includes "application_reference_ids" and "utility_services" elements. "site" element now includes "construction_type", and "contact" element now includes "best_time_of_day_to_reach".
    • New Doc Template Variables
      • "incentive_items" Doc Template array variable - Now can output/evaluate individual attributes of each of the incentive items. Example can be viewed in the "All Available Variables" document template.
      • "finance_company_name" property - fin_opt object has new property that provides the name of the loan/finance company defined for a finance program.
    • Bug fixes and minor improvements:
      • Refactored "Item" definition UI on a service offering to clarify use.
      • "Architect" added as a role for a participant on a job.


2022-06-11 Release Notes

  • Updated Array Area Drawing Toolset:
    • Improved lines and cursors
    • Zoom level enhanced
    • Set and align drawing axes to desired building's orientation.
    • Lines snap to 45 and 90 degrees from defined axes.
    • Construction lines from initial vertex of area to simplify closing area polygon
    • Undo/Redo
    • Toggle off object snap by holding down "Ctrl" key
    • Toggle off direction lock by holding down "Shift" key
    • Halve-line function
    • Mirror an area
    • Show/hide measurements of lines
    • Automatically name areas/roofs
    • Edit area, moving a vertex that is "common" to adjacent area does not move the other area's vertex
    • Integration of Google Project Sunroof Data:
      • In Project Settings, administrator can set the preferred default shade to use Google Project Sunroof if available
      • Automatically provide solar access estimates for roof faces.
      • Toggle on/off a "heatmap" of PV production intensity on the Site Definition screen and on the Array Editor screen.
      • Shade Losses Automatically accounted for in PV production estimates
    • "Milestone Group" filter on the Installs and Tasks screens - You can now filter on a group of milestones, as defined in the process definition. Groups like "Sales", "Design and Permitting", "Installation", etc
    • API Enhancements - Many enhancements. See API documentation for complete information. Select updates include:
      • GET job/:id now includes all fields on the Job screen.
      • New endpoint: PUT job/:id
      • custom fields have IDs
      • POST /jobs/:id/participants
      • POST job includes fields on Job screen
      • GET /job_processes/:id/sections
      • PUT job/:id docs
      • GET /notifications
      • DELETE /notification
    • Bug fixes and minor improvements:
      • Web capture form can be created for work order processes as well as standard project process.
      • Roof Surface Type options: "Pro-Panel", "Single-Ply, TPO", "Single-Ply, EPDM"
      • Relax PV Configuration Rules when using Hybrid (battery-based) Inverters


2022-03-03 Release Notes

      • Installs Screen includes "Sold At" date
      • Pre-defined Sub-Tasks can be events
      • User cannot complete a milestone with incomplete subtasks
      • Installs > Upcoming column includes scheduled subtasks
      • Reporting Enhancements:
        • Project Detail and Summary report outputs for Energy Storage Systems
        • Project Detail report outputs for pricing (finance fees, incentives applied to purchase)
      • Feature Usage Reporting (SolarNexus Internal)
      • Bug fixes and minor improvements:
        • Do not set default values for HOA and construction type
        • "Customer Contact" checkbox is always visible in status dialog

2022-02-02 Release Notes

  • API updates (See API documentation for complete information)
    • Disallow completion of Proposed, Sold, or Work Defined milestones when solution has no services
    • Subscription Enhancements
      • 3 license minimum
      • New subscription term commitment
      • Price point support
    • Bug fixes and minor improvements:
      • Remove Setup Guide section from Home screen for administrators
      • Terms of Service link
      • Upgrade Rails from to 5.2.6
      • DB consolidations
      • API site.location no longer forces use of an id for state field of an address
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