2014 Update Notes

  • 2 mths ago

2014-08-20 Features & Enhancements

  • Company Catalog CSV Export / Import
  • Analysis Results - Display PV system's specific annual yield
  • Analysis Results - Display solar thermal & EE offset percentages
  • allow keeping project roles of de-activated users
  • View projects assigned to deactivated users
  • allow defining per year REC/PBI rates
  • Company specific announcements
  • "Site State" as a report criteria
  • Moved existing ACPV module "kits" to their own product category
  • API - Document upload
  • and several bug fixes


2014-02-28 Technology Updates Complete, plus New Features!

We've successfully updated some of the underlying technology for SolarNexus, plus added a few new features:

  • Company Cost Permissions - Only users with administrator or Resource Management permissions can view costs for products in the Company Catalog. If you need to see these within a project, have an administrative user add resource management permissions to your profile.
  • Energy Use - You can now input an average dollar bill amount for an electric bill and SolarNexus will back calculate an estimate of kWh use for the year. Note that inputting actual kWh usage will still be more accurate. Also annual total of kWhs is now summed and displayed automatically.
  • Reporting - "Solution Price" is now available as an output field
  • Doc Template Variables - "Discount Rate" is now available.
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