Update Notes

2015 Update Notes

2015-12-21 Features and Enhancements

We deployed several more enhancements, a couple new features, and some bug fixes. Here's the detailed run down:

1) Advanced Search. The Universal search feature searches project names, addresses, and customer names by default. By clicking the Advanced Search link, you can define which other fields in particular you'd like to search on. 

2) For Customers with multiple projects, each project can have its own primary contact. When working with a company like a general contractors who has multiple projects, you can now set a different Primary Contact for each project.

3) Subscription Management Enhancements. New features from our billing partner have enabled us to make some improvements to our automated billing system. You can view complete billing statements from within Account Management > Subscriptions.

4) New Milestone relevance criteria - HOA. Now you can create a project milestone that is only relevant to projects where the customer has a homeowner association (HOA) to deal with.

5) New Report output field - Installation Date. You can now output the planned installation date entered when the Schedule Installation milestone is completed.


2015-11-23 Features and Enhancements

We deployed several more enhancements, a couple new features, and some bug fixes. Here's the detailed run down:

1) Reports can have fixed criteria values. Simplify running reports where a project lookup criteria is always the same. Rather than the report user having to specify all criteria values when running a report, the report definition can now include fixed criteria values. For example, running a sales report that only includes pre-sold projects can be defined to have the Incomplete Milestone = Sold. This simplifies running reports, and makes them much more specific to a single purpose. In the report editor, check the box next to criteria you want to set a fixed value for, define the value, and save. Then run the report.

2) Defer Projects. Some prospective clients may ask your company for additional time before making a commitment to solar. These currently inactive prospects have cluttered the Sales screen, but no longer. These projects can now be placed into a deferred status that includes an automated notification on a future date to check back with the customer. The deferred status temporarily removes these projects from your Active projects list. To defer a project, click the Defer Project button in the Status section of the Management Panel. To re-activate the project, simply click on the deferred status link in the Status section. You can update the deferred status and set a new deferred date if the customer needs additional time. You can view all your currently deferred projects from the Sales screen by selecting "Deferred" from the drop-down at the top of the Sales screen.

3) Additional Reporting Outputs. The Pending Date can be output for assisting in operations reporting. The Reason Archived field is now available to report on reasons for losing opportunities. Be sure your reasons are updated (Admin > Status Change Reasons) and make sure your employees are completing the reason field when archiving a project as a Lost Opportunity.

4) Auto name solutions based on defined PV system. SolarNexus can now automatically name solutions using the specs of the PV system contained in the solution. This avoids having to manually Edit the solution and input a meaningful name. To use this feature, use the checkbox in the Solution Edit dialog. When checked, the Description text box is hidden. SolarNexus will update the solution name once the PV system specifications are available. The format of the name is:  [module qty]_[PV module Model]+[inverter qty]_[Inverter Model]. You can also set this checkbox on the Solution Template so that user does not need to remember to apply it when adding a solution.

5) Highlight, and return to the Primary or Sold solution. In the solution summary and Solution selector, the unsold primary solution, and then the sold solution are highlighted to ease identification. Also, upon returning to an unsold project, the primary solution is selected, regardless of letter (A, B, etc).

6) Sales Screen updates. The Pending Date is now displayed with the Pending value. Click the Pending value to edit value and date. Sales owner name no longer a drop-down. Use checkboxes to select projects to assign a sales owner and click "Change Roles" button.

7) Manually input monthly loan payments. Some loan programs (such as Mosaic) have proprietary amortization calculations. Now as an option, you can define a loan program to have the user input a monthly loan payment rather than have SolarNexus calculate the monthly loan payment. SolarNexus will multiply the input monthly payment by 12 to get the annual loan payment for cash flows. To use this, simply go to Administration > Finance Programs. Edit your loan program, and select the radio button for manual input of monthly loan payment amount.

8) New Document Template variable. New variable outputs the contract cost less the Fed tax credit.

9) Allow multiple project participants to share same role. Other than the Customer, Host Customer, and PV system Owner roles, there can be multiple participants with the same role.

10) Auto update sales funnel data. On completion of Sold milestone, SolarNexus automatically updates the Sale Probability to 100%, and sets the Estimated Close date to the date of the sold milestone completion date, and sets the sale amount to sold solution price. The Sold solution IS the primary solution.


2015-11-10 Features and Enhancements

We deployed several new usability enhancements and features for improved sales management and reporting:

1) Changed "Lead Interaction" field to "Pending." Clarified use of the Lead Interaction field by changing its name to more closely represent intended use and added a "Pending Date" field to record expected completion of the pending item. Field is intended to record typical next steps or blocking issues to completion of the next milestone(s). Added ability to add a new custom value rather than selecting a pre-defined value. Added Pending Status fields to all Milestone completion dialogs to make it easier to record status updates when they are likely to occur..

2) Integrated Milestone completion notes into Project Log. Now any notes that are entered when completing a milestone are also available to be viewed within the Project Log. All milestone completion related entries show which milestone it is related to.

3) Simplified capture of referrals. Now when entering a new lead, a standard "Referral" lead source is available. When selected you are prompted to select an existing contact from your database, or create a new one. Reports already support output of project referrers, so that you can easily support a customer referral program.

4) Simplified generation of sales funnel reporting data. To simplify reporting on your sales funnel, you can now specify the "primary," or most likely, solution to be sold. The first solution added to a project is assumed to be the primary one, but can be changed. Current projects with multiple solutions do not have a primary solution set, but its as easy as clicking a button to set the desired primary solution. SolarNexus automatically uses the primary solution's price as the projected sale amount, and you can input the close probability and projected sale date from the solution editor. All these fields are already available in the reports. Note that the notion of primary solution ends when a solution is sold, as that solution, in effect, becomes the primary solution.

5) Report on PV equipment proposed for sale. You can now output sales pipeline report that include quantity, make, and model of PV equipment from "primary" solutions that are proposed. Quickly get visibility into near term material needs that can assist your purchasing manager.

6) Exclude inactive projects from reports. You can now specify that a report exclude any lost opportunities, cancelled or completed projects.

7) Include custom field data in generated documents. Custom fields that you've defined though Account Management for the Project Screen can now be output into any document(s) you generate with templates. The variables appear in the "General Project Info" section of the Document Template editor. 

8) New "Read-Only" user permission. You can now specify that a user may only have read-only permissions on projects. This is a convenient way to give a business partner full access to data on specific projects, without giving them ability to edit any data.

9) New Participant role, "Original Owner." As your company ages, so does your customer base. Original customers may sell their homes to new persons. The Original Owner role allows you to replace the customer information in a project with new contacts and move the orignal owners to the "Other Participants" section..


2015-10-13 Features and Enhancements

We've made multiple bug fixes, and performance improvements, as well as the following features:

1) Support for revision of sold solutions and change orders. Can now create revisions of sold solutions to update system definitions, and add price changes using change orders. This article describes the features in detail.

2) Create balance of system designs and permitting documentation from existing sales designs. SolarNexus has integrated new features from SolarDesignTool.com that allow you to generate all the NEC calculations and generate single line electrical diagrams for use in permitting your PV systems in just a couple of steps. This is currently an early Beta release that is usable for free to SolarNexus subscribers.

3) Automatically notify customers and others when a milestone is completed. Keep your customers engaged with up to the minute email notifications of your progress on their project. Just compose an Email template using the document template editor, and edit the milestones you want to send notifications for. Check the box to send notifications of completions, select who you want to notify, and select your Email template.

4) New API version (v3) plus support for old version v2. We've updated our application programming interface (API) to support the data formats of the newest version of the IEP Model. This is particularly important for supporting integration of SolarDesignTool's balance of system / permit design services. Extended support for clients using existing API v2.

5) Allow creation of orders from the Management panel. Previously orders could only be created from the Price screen or from the Orders screen. Can now create order from the Management Panel. This enables Project Pro users to generate orders for specific projects more easily.


2015-08-30 Features and Enhancements

We've made multiple small UI improvements, bug fixes, and performance improvements, as well as the following features:

1) Notify Somebody when a Milestone is taking too long to complete. Project milestone definitions now have new fields that allow an administrator to define whether somebody should be notified when a project milestone is taking too long to complete. If not completed within the specified period of time, the specified user(s) will be notified.

2) Track who's assigned as the Site Surveyor. We've added a new role, "Site Surveyor" to a Project's Responsibilities in the Management Panel.

3) Determine display order of custom fields placed on the Project screen. From Administration > Account Management > Custom Fields, an administrator can drag and drop fields into the desired order. SolarNexus now puts these fields into two columns to reduce need to scroll.

4) Add a second Email address to contacts. Contacts can have a second Email address, you can assign one of these to be the primary address.

5) Better assist users making product selections. (Only when using cost items for solution pricing) We've exposed the "Product Selection Help" field for all Solution line items. From Solution line items, click on item name, OR edit icon - popup includes Product Selection Help field.


2015-08-4 Features and Enhancements

Deployed multiple bug fixes as well as following features...

1) Multiple Document Template Variables. Speed your file uploads by dragging a group of files at once from your file-system.

  • lead_source
  • customer_contact_first_name
  • customer_contact2_first_name
  • customer_contact2_last_name
  • subtotal_adjusted_price_per_w_stc - Adjusted sub-total price divided by total STC watts of PV system in solution. Excludes sales tax, permits, and shipping costs.

2) Option to define loan amortization period in months. Some loan programs are not tied to full years, so now SolarNexus now allows you to define the loan term in months instead of whole years.


2015-07-13 Features and Enhancements

1) Drag and Drop file uploads. Speed your file uploads by dragging a group of files at once from your file-system.

2) Project Pro customers can generate docs other than proposals. Project Pro customers can now generate documents other than sales proposals (e.g. interconnections and contract docs). Users can also generate and send documents via Email and use DocuSign integration.

3) Array Areas map displays extents of document variable output. The map view now shows a frame indicating the extents of the document template variables site_image_with_arrays, and site_image_no_arrays.

4) More simple access of Lost Opportunities, Cancelled Projects, and Completed Projects. Added new controls on Sales and Installs screens to simply and quickly limit the view to projects in one of the given end states.

5) Solution Cost Items can be output to file.  Can now use solution cost items as a basis of a bill of materials by outputting a solution's cost items to CSV file.

6) Prelim PV system offset estimations upgraded to PVWatts version 5.  The newest version of PVWatts has more accurate estimates. SolarNexus automatically determines module type from its characteristics.

7) New SolarNexus API service: GET milestone status. Now a third party application can get the current milestone status for desired projects using their IDs.


2015-05-26 Features and Enhancements

1) Automatic Derate Adjustments for Micro-Inverter based PV Systems. When a solution's PV system uses micro-inverters, or ACPV modules, SolarNexus will automatically set the DC wiring and Mismatch derate values to 1.0, as that is the micro inverter benefit.

2) New Fields on Project Screen. Added "HOA" (homeowner association) and "Roof Surface Type" fields to Project screen.

3) Home Screen Enhancements. The Assigned Project Milestones section now displays a limited number of assigned milestones by default and includes age since milestone was assigned.

4) Enhanced Filtering on Sales and Install screens.  Now you can specify both a complete and incomplete milestone, which allows you to define specific ranges of projects that meet your criteria.

5) Preview project documents without downloading them.  Sometimes you simply need to review the documents attached to a project. Now in the Documents section of the Management Panel you can click on a document's name to view it in a preview without downloading it. Works on most filetypes, including PDF, DOC, DOCX, DWG and others. Note that because this is a new feature, existing documents must be processed first to be displayed in a preview, which may take a few seconds.

6) Import Complete Project Records. Move existing customer and project data into SolarNexus more easily by importing completed projects. Import can include multiple custom fields of data for the completed project's solution. See Account Management and click button to Import Complete Projects for more information. 

7) Reporting Enhancements. Can now output participants with the referrer role, improving reports to support referral programs. Can now also include the "Sold Solution Finance Option" as both report criteria, as well as a report output field.

8) Additional Milestone Relevance Rule Fields. Added ability to custom define milestones based on site city, AHJ, or any of your custom defined fields.


2015-05-6 Features and Enhancements

1) Map your projects.  On your home screen, you can now access a Google map with pins of project locations that meet your defined milestone conditions. Use as a tool to help assign leads to sales persons, or as a tool to schedule site or permit office visits.

2) Project Pricing - Positive Adjustments Separated from Discounts. When using cost items for pricing, SolarNexus now provides a separate control for inputting positive profit margin adjustments from the control to input discounts. Positive adjustments are now incorporated into the sub-total. Discounts are shown separately as an adjustment. Positive adjustments are considered additions to profit, and as such it will increase the resulting sales commission and maximum possible discounts.  Existing solution prices are unaffected by the changes.

3) Project Pricing - Improved Support for Bank Loan Fees. Loan fees have become commonplace. These fees increase the solution price. However, because the bank keeps them, the installer cannot have any of their indirect costs affected by those fees. SolarNexus has implemented a mechanism to include loan fees into the solution price, but exclude it from indirect cost calculations (profit, overhead, commissions). The loan fee is shown on analysis screen, not on the Price screen, which is where you determine your company’s price before fees are considered. More on loan parameters can be found in the Analyzing a Solution article.

4) Re-order cost items, and cost item groups. Now you can drag and drop to re-order the cost items within a cost item group, as well as re-order the cost item groups themselves. To re-order, simply Edit the Price. The group re-ordering control is found below all of the groups. Note that the order should be set within your solution templates so that users do not need to do any re-ordering for individual solution prices. The new features will not affect existing solutions.

5) Incorporate Current Count of Your Company's Installations into Proposals. We've added new document template variables that allow you to incorporate To use the feature, first have a user with administrative permissions edit the Account Info section under Account Management and input your company's total number of systems installed prior to using SolarNexus along with their sum total rated kW. Then use the account_total_installed_power and account_total_installed_projects variables in your desired document template. For each of these variables, SolarNexus will output the current sum of the sold and completed project's/system ratings in SolarNexus + the cumulative installed systems/ratings from Account Management. 

6) New Project Participant Roles. Now you can set roles of Roofer and Electrician to Other Project Participants. Use this feature to link contacts already in your database to new projects.

7) Re-organized Variables in Document Template Editor: As of this release, our document template variables now number 217. It had become difficult to find some variables, particularly within the Analysis Results section. So we broke it up into more well defined categories to make individual variables easier to find.


2015-03-24 Features and Enhancements

1) Project Info screen, enhancements to Customer and Other Participants UI.  Updates to more clearly show Customer from other participants.

2) New document template variables for environmental comparables. Now you can include variables that compare the environmental benefits of the proposed solution to the reduction of passenger cars/passenger car miles, landfill waste avoided, coal not burned, and acres of forest planted. Using conversion values taken from this EPA calculator, we've added the following:

  • ghg_emissions_passenger_vehicles - Project will eliminate greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to this number of average passengers annually
  • ghg_emissions_passenger_vehicle_miles - Project will eliminate greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to this number of average passenger vehicle miles driven annually
  • ghg_emissions_tons_landfill_waste - Project will eliminate greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to this number of tons of landfill waste annually
  • co2_emissions_pounds_coal - Project will eliminate CO2 emissions equivalent to this number of pounds of burned coal annually
  • carbon_sequestered_acres_forest - Project will eliminate the amount of carbon sequestered by this number of acres of U.S. forest

3) New document template variables and enhancements, financial.  Project funding sources graph now breaks out Federal ITC from other tax credits. Also added:

  • incentive_recs_lifetime - Sum of all RECs payments over expected lifetime
  • tax_savings_depreciation_yr_1 - Avoided tax payments in year one as a result of depreciation write-off from taxable income
  • tax_savings_depreciation_lifetime - Total avoided tax payments as a result of all depreciation writeoffs from taxable income
  • contract_cost_less_lifetime_incentives - Contract Price minus all incentives (rebates, PBI, RECs, tax credits minus incentive tax liabilities), plus tax savings from depreciation over the project’s lifetime
  • incentives_tax_liability_lifetime - Sum of all taxes as a result of incentives over the project's lifetime

4) If available, Analysis uses measured values for slope and azimuth. SolarNexus uses the estimated slope and azimuth (from aerial imagery) for analysis. But if you go back into the Site tab, edit roof faces, and input measured values from the field, then any new analysis will use the values intpu into the measured fields instead of the estimated ones.


2015-03-12 Features and Enhancements

1) Solution Templates can enforce requirement to specify at least one inverter for the solution.  By default, solutions do not require an inverter to be defined in order to create a proposal.  However, if you want users to be sure that salespersons specify an inverter for a solution prior to pricing it, you can configure your solution templates to require specification of an inverter when defining a PV system for the solution. To do this, a user with Admin or Resource Management permissions can go to Resources > Solution Templates and click Edit on the desired Solution Template. Check the “Enforce specification of inverter” checkbox. When a solution is created using that solution template, the user will be prevented from accessing the Price screen unless an inverter is defined.

2) Use variable cost structures for products in any category. Up until now, only Modules, Inverters, General Materials, and Labor & Admin categories allowed you to define products with variable cost structures. We’ve removed that limitation, allowing you to more freely categorize products that need variable cost structures.

3) New cost item unit – branches / strings. We’ve added a new cost item unit to our pricing engine. Now you can create items with quantity automatically determined by the number of AC branches or DC inverter strings defined in the PV system. This is handy to for pricing breakers, trunk cable adaptors/terminators, etc.

4) New document variables providing accurate, up to date metrics on your company’s installations: a) The rated DC size of all your company’s "Sold" solutions in SolarNexus, where the last completed milestone is "Project Completed" (account_total_installed_power). Output is in kW or MW, b) the sum total number of projects where the last completed milestone is "Project Completed" (account_total_installed_projects).  Note, there will be a follow-on enhancement to input your quantities for these metrics prior to using SolarNexus.  Those totals will be added to the totals you generate using SolarNexus.

5) Doc template variables for Annual Electric + Solar Payment, and Annual Savings.  We’ve added yet more ways to describe the value of your solutions:  a) Sum of first year's post project electric bills plus payments for project (bill_elec_plus_solar_annual), b) Total first year bill savings. Electric bill without project minus electric bill after project plus monthly project payments, if any (bill_elec_plus_solar_annual_savings).

6) Enhanced Email notifications.  Project Names clearly shown and if the notification is for a milestone completion, it will also include any Notes accompanying the completion.

7) UI enhancement - Customer & Other Participants. Project screen now separates Customer from other participants (subs, finance co's, etc).


2015-02-26 Feature Enhancements

1) Enhanced DocuSign Features. Now include multiple signers (additional doc template variables), including a company representative, and indicate the order of signatures.

2) Email Multiple Documents to customers. Instead of sending a single doc at a time, you can now send multiple solution docs at once to a customer from the Docs screen.

3) Additional User Level Access Control. Normal behavior is to allow regular users to see non-associated projects in search lists, but disallow them opening them or accessing contact information unless the project is already sold. This new feature completely restricts an individual user from seeing any projects or customers unless they are associated with them. Go to Users, select user, and set this permission restriction.

4) Array Area Feature Disallows Creating Too Large of an Area. Software tells you when you've created too large of an area and prompts you to shrink it.

5) Refactored table_yr_1_summary_elec Document Variable. Revised this table output to more cleanly and clearly shows monthly electric use and bills for current and proposed cases. 

6) Investment Based Incentive Calculation - per kWstc. Now you can define an IBI incentive that is calculated based on the rated size of the PV system.