Resources: Products and Catalogs
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  3. Resources: Products and Catalogs

About Products and Catalogs


Products are the labor and materials your company uses to implement projects for your customers. They are essentially what you sell and provide. You manage your products centrally using the Company Catalog that is accessible from the Resources menu.

Product Categories

SolarNexus' Public and Company Catalogs organize products by category.

PV and Storage Equipment Categories


  • PV Modules
  • ACPV Modules
  • Inverters
  • DC Optimizers
  • DC Batteries
  • AC Batteries
  • Integrated Storage Systems
  • Charge Controllers

All of these product categories have an extensive set of attributes specific to that type of product. To avoid product repetition and assert control over data quality, SolarNexus does not currently allow you to create additional products in these categories. If you cannot find a specific product in the Public Catalog, click the Help link or Show Me How widget and submit a request to add your product.

NOTE: An ACPV Module is a pre-integrated pairing of an individual micro-inverter and PV module. SolarNexus' associates the individual PV module and inverter data together so you can view the specifications of each from a single product. When an ACPV module is used in a PV system, the inverter portion of the system is pre-defined. Similarly, an AC Battery is a pre-integrated pairing of an individual micro-inverter and DC battery, and an Integrated Storage System is a battery system with integrated inverter that may be AC or DC coupled to the PV system.


Kits are a special kind of product made up of a collection of other products. For example, some manufacturers sell pre-engineered packages composed of a given set of individual products. A kit is an individual product, in that it has a given make, model, and cost. The contents of a kit cannot be modified when adding to a solution (that is, module or inverter models or quantities may not be changed).

All Other Categories

All the other categories of products are the same as far as their data.

Public Catalog

The SolarNexus Public Catalog (available from the Resources menu) is a database of PV modules, inverters, ACPV modules, DC optimizers, and BOS products/services from over 550 manufacturers and service providers. Detailed specification data on PV modules and inverters comes from Any user can reference its information. The Public Catalog is shared across all SolarNexus subscribers and may not be edited. The Public Catalog will continue to grow over time.

Company Catalog

The Company Catalog is unique to your company and is accessible only by users in your SolarNexus account. The Company Catalog limits users to the PV modules, inverters and batteries populated into your Company Catalog, ensuring that only approved products are proposed to customers. When using cost items to price your solutions, the prices are taken from the cost data managed for your products in your Company Catalog. Your procurement staff can use the products in the Company Catalog for ordering from your suppliers. Central management benefits your company by ensuring consistency and conformance of customer pricing and materials sold across your sales organization. It also improves your staff's ability to manage procurement across multiple suppliers.

Only administrators and users with resource management permissions may Add PV and Storage Equipment to Your Company Catalog.