Owner feature only!
In Mission Control, you are able to adjust your proposal theme.
To Navigate to MissionControl:
- In the left side navigation bar, tap into "Company" and select "Mission Control".
- Select the company you want to adjust.
Adjusting the Company Info:
Adjust the full name, short name, company logo (and logo size), and background image for the Cover Page.
Note for Logo Size: smaller the number, the smaller the logo on your title page, the larger the number, the bigger the logo!
Size "30" Logo:
Size "85" Logo:
Company Colors:
Add/adjust the proposal colors (primary, secondary, tertiary*, theme font, accent font, tooltip background, and tooltip font).
*if toggled on.
- Tap the color block you want to adjust and select the color you want to use, or enter a hex code of the color you want.
Proposal Features:
Turn "default autosave" and "only show inverter brand" on or off. Adjust the length of the savings with the dropdown menu.
- Default Autosave: When selected, your proposal will autosave with any adjustments made.
- Only Show Inverter Brand: If selected, when viewing the select Inverter in the proposal, it will only show the brand of the Inverter rather than the brand and type.
Only Show Inverter Brand Enabled:
Only Show Inverter Brand Disabled:
Pages Features:
Rearrange and turn on/turn off a page.
- To rearrange the proposal pages, drag the name of the page to the section you want the page to show up in instead.
- To turn on or turn off a page from showing on the proposal, tap the "Proposal" button. Once a page turns dark grey, it is disabled.
Sidebar Features:
Adjust the sidebar menu order.
- Tap and drag sidebar options to the positions wanted.
Previewing & Saving Your Proposal:
- Press the "Preview" button to look over the proposal with all of your unsaved changes.
- A new page will load, allowing you to view your proposal with your new changes.
- If you want to continue making changes, press "continue editing".
- If everything looks ready, press save. Once you press save, changes will appear on all proposals.
- Lastly, a pop-up will appear, confirming the changes. You can cancel, continue editing, or confirm and save your proposal theme!