MissionControl: Proposal Theme
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  3. MissionControl: Proposal Theme

Adjusting the Proposal Theme in MissionControl

Owner feature only!

In Mission Control, you are able to adjust your proposal theme.

To Navigate to MissionControl: 

  1. In the left side navigation bar, tap into "Company" and select "Mission Control".

  2. Select the company you want to adjust. 

Adjusting the Company Info: 

Adjust the full name, short name, company logo (and logo size), and background image for the Cover Page.

Note for Logo Size: smaller the number, the smaller the logo on your title page, the larger the number, the bigger the logo! 

Size "30" Logo: 

Size "85" Logo:


Company Colors:

Add/adjust the proposal colors (primary, secondary, tertiary*, theme font, accent font, tooltip background, and tooltip font). 

*if toggled on. 

  1. Tap the color block you want to adjust and select the color you want to use, or enter a hex code of the color you want. 

Proposal Features: 

Turn "default autosave" and "only show inverter brand" on or off. Adjust the length of the savings with the dropdown menu.  

  • Default Autosave: When selected, your proposal will autosave with any adjustments made. 
  • Only Show Inverter Brand: If selected, when viewing the select Inverter in the proposal, it will only show the brand of the Inverter rather than the brand and type.

            Only Show Inverter Brand Enabled:

            Only Show Inverter Brand Disabled: 

Pages Features:

Rearrange and turn on/turn off a page.

  1. To rearrange the proposal pages, drag the name of the page to the section you want the page to show up in instead. 

  1. To turn on or turn off a page from showing on the proposal, tap the "Proposal" button. Once a page turns dark grey, it is disabled. 

Sidebar Features:

Adjust the sidebar menu order. 

  1. Tap and drag sidebar options to the positions wanted.

Previewing & Saving Your Proposal: 

  1. Press the "Preview" button to look over the proposal with all of your unsaved changes. 

  2. A new page will load, allowing you to view your proposal with your new changes. 

  3. If you want to continue making changes, press "continue editing". 

  4. If everything looks ready, press save. Once you press save,  changes will appear on all proposals. 

  5. Lastly, a pop-up will appear, confirming the changes. You can cancel, continue editing, or confirm and save your proposal theme!