Where found? For Administrators - Administration > Users
Accessibility? Only users with administration permissions may use Users screen.
How used? The Users screen is for central management of the users in your company's SolarNexus account. Only users with administrative permissions may add or delete users, or edit a user's permissions. Every active user can manage their own Personal Info and Notifications from their Profile link at the top right corner of the app, by hovering over their username.
User Profiles
Select Users from the Administration menu. Administrators can add users and manage all aspects of existing users within your account, including personal information, permissions, and notifications.
Personal Info
Personal Info includes name, contact information, email address and password, user bio, and profile image. If the user is a sales consultant, you can also optionally input their "Home Improvement" license number. Many states require the sales consultant's Home Improvement Number on contracts. This number, as well as all the user's contact info can be automatically populated into your sales documents.
User Permissions
SolarNexus allows access permissions to vary with each user to suit his or her role and responsibilities within the business. In general, users should be given the lowest level of permissions that allows them to perform their day-to-day tasks. The prevents users from being overwhelmed with irrelevant data, especially in larger companies.
Some permissions only allow users to edit or view jobs they are associated with. Users are "associated" with a job by having either:
- A job role (owner, project manager, etc)
- being assigned to a task (milestone)
There are four basic levels of permissions:
- Administrator
- Global Sales Manager
- Regular User
- Read-Only User
ONLY users with administrative permissions may edit the permissions of users in your SolarNexus company account.
Administrators have permission to access all SolarNexus features, including:
- Access to all projects and work orders
- All resource management features
- User and access permissions management
- Account administration and management features
- Report create, edit, delete
- Reports contain all data, and data may be downloaded
At least one user in every account must be an administrator. An account may have multiple administrators. In general, smaller companies may have a larger percentage of users with administrative permissions.
The first user is automatically designated as the primary administrator. (It is the one seat that cannot be inactivated or removed). Please contact SolarNexus if you need to change the primary administrator user seat.
CAUTION: Be thoughtful about giving administrative permissions to users who do not really need them. Any user with administrative permissions has the power to take away the administrative permissions of another user in your company's SolarNexus account.
Global Sales Manager
Global sales managers have the ability to see and access any project or work order, assign project responsibilities from one user to another, and to manage lead and project data (scope, lead sources, pending status, etc). When running reports, the report output will contain data for all projects regardless of project responsibilities, but data may not be downloaded unless expressly allowed by report configuration.
- You may also add resource management permissions which allow a user to manage the Company Catalog of products and costs, and solution templates.
Regular User
The majority of users seats are typically at the Regular User permissions level - which can have several additional permissions added to it as shown in the attached image. Regular users can add customers and projects to the system, but have limited management capabilities. They may run any reports, but report results will only contain information for the projects that the user is associated with through a project responsibility (i.e. Sales Owner, Project Manager, etc). Regular users may not download report results unless the report is configured to allow it.
You can add the following permissions to a basic user:
- Can create and edit solutions - Sales consultants are typically regular users with this added permission allowing them to create solutions and proposals.
- Can assign projects, milestones and subtasks - This allows a regular user to update milestone status, complete milestones, and add project log entries. Users can assign project responsibilities, milestones and appointment times for associated projects.
- Allow access to sold or completed projects, and any work orders- If checked, user can access any work order or any sold or completed project by using the Search function, even if the user is not associated with the project in any way (assigned to a role or specific milestone). This permission gives regular users the ability to support current or former customers even if they play no role on the project. Even with this permission, a regular user can only see projects and customers in the sales process if the user is already associated through having a role on the project.
- Resource Management permissions allow a user to manage the Company Catalog of products and costs, and solution templates.
Read-Only User
User may view, but not edit jobs on which the user is assigned as an Associate. Users can have read-only API access. Read-only users may be given additional permissions below.
- Can update milestones and tasks - gives the read-only user permission to update milestones, tasks and subtasks. Also gives the user the ability to add project log entries.
- Can upload files - gives the user permission to upload files to the project
The read-only user permissions may be appropriate for third party contractors or door-to-door lead generators who do not create their own proposals or close sales.
SolarNexus automatically sends each user a notification about each event that the user has subscribed to see. All notifications are published to the Home screen's Notifications portal, and most are also sent to the user's email box.
CAUTION: Be thoughtful about what notifications are really required for you to see. Too many users subscribe to everything and are immediately deluged by a high volume of notifications. SolarNexus strongly recommends that you ONLY subscribe to see notifications that will help you complete your job function.
SolarNexus provides notifications on 2 basic types of events:
- Task and Work Management
- Milestone / Task Completions
Notifications about Task and Work Management
All users are encouraged to take advantage of these event notifications to keep them apprised of new responsibilities / tasks. Note that some of these events will be populated to your Home screen's Notification section regardless, but including check the box for these events will also send you an email for the event.
Notifications about Milestone/Task Completions
You can subscribe to receive a notification every time a specific milestone is completed, regardless of whether you are associated with the project or assigned to a task on the project. This feature is useful for certain administrative and management staff, but most users do not need to receive notifications of milestone completions. For example, as a Sales Manager, you may wish to get notified every time a Sold milestone is completed so that you can congratulate the salesperson. The notification will appear on the user's Home screen, and an e-mail notification may be sent.