Typically after the sale of a new project, your team will be charged with completing a variety of administrative paperwork. In the case of PV and energy storage, these will likely include interconnection agreements and other forms. SolarNexus provides features for quickly completing these forms using data you've already got in the system, and allows you to leverage your exsiting DocuSign account to get these forms signed by customers using e-signatures.
Using PDF Form Auto-Fill
To use PDF form auto-fill, a user in your account with administrator permissions must first enable access to the forms you want to use. Navigate to Administration > Form Templates. On this screen, you may use the search and filters to locate particular forms of interest. Check the box for any forms you would like to enable your team to use. If the form you are looking for is not in the SolarNexus catalog at this time, please submit a new support request to get it added.
Once a form is enabled for use by your team, a user can create and auto-fill an instance of the form within a project solution of interest. Just navigate to the Docs screen for the project solution, click the Create drop down control, and click "Create Form." Just select the form you want to create and name the resulting PDF file.
SolarNexus creates a new instance of the PDF form and auto-fills as much data as it has. Note that this may not be all of the data that the form requires.
If you need to, you can download the partially completed PDF form, and manually fill-in the remaining fields. Then save and upload back to SolarNexus by clicking edit icon for the form and picking the updated file version from your computer - thereby overwriting the originally generated file. If needed, you can then send for E-signatures as SolarNexus automatically embeds signature locations into the forms. Simply click the DocuSign action icon and send to customer for signature.
If you find that SolarNexus does not list forms relevant to your projects, send an e-mail to support@solarnexus.com and let us know what we're missing so that we can add them.