Understanding the Proposal

Changing the Module

  1. There are two places you can change the module being used on your proposal:

    1. The Solar Design Page by clicking on “Modules”.

    2. The Equipment Tab

  2. If you change the module to something that is smaller than what is currently selected, it will have you confirm how you’d like the design to be updated. 

    1. Update Layout in Place: You are changing the size of the panels without changing the center point or layout of the design, so this may cause gaps in the design.

    2. Change and Update Layout: Will move the panels to make sure that we don't have any problems with fitment. The center point and layout will be changed with the sizing so the design does not have gaps. 

    3. Maxfit: Will create a new design that includes all panels that can fit with the specified orientation. This will not copy the existing design.

  3. If you change the module to something that is larger than what is currently selected, the same modal will appear, but you will only have the option to “Change and Update Layout” or “Maxfit”.


Changing the module will also cause production to re-run.