You can create and manage all adders in the Adders tab.
- To create a new adder, tap the New Adder button.
- Add in a custom name for your Adder.
- To select the adder type, expand the drop-down menu.
Checkbox - Adder will be a checkbox to add to the proposal.
Input - Used for adders that can have multiple quantities. Adder will display as a checkbox and will require a number input for quantity once selected.
Select - Used for adders with different options. Adder will display as a checkbox and populate a drop-down list of options once selected.
Automatic - Adder will automatically be applied to proposals and cannot be removed.
After selecting the adder type, more fields will be revealed or editable. If desired, you may enter a docs display name. This name is what will show on any documents that include this adder.
Expand the Price Type menu to select the pricing measurement you want to use for the adder.
Per Watt - Typically not a whole number. This price will be multiplied by the watt size of the solar system.
Per Panel - Price is multiplied by the number of panels on the proposal.
Fixed Amount - A fixed price that will always stay the same.
Select the location where you want the adder to appear.
Proposal - Adder will be next to the Solar Offset Graph on the Analysis page
Sidebar - Adder will be on the sidebar under “Adders”.
To adjust a current version's price, change the dollar amount in the price field.
Select or change the date you want the adder to be displayed on proposals with the associated price.
Select or change the date you want the adder to be displayed on proposals with the associated price.
To create a new price without affecting the price of the adder on previous proposals press the Add Version button. When setting live and expiration dates, these dates cannot overlap another version's date range.