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User Support
What's New
Energy Use - Utility or Tariff is Missing
If the correct utility is not available in the drop-down selector for a customer's project, or if the utility is available but not the correct tariff, follow these steps:
1) Select Utility Tariffs from the Administration menu (must have administrator permissions on your account). On the Utilities screen, enter the zip code for the project in question into the ZIP field in the upper-right corner of the screen, and click the Lookup button. SolarNexus will refresh its database to get the very latest data, and show you the utilities that were found for that zip code. If the correct utility name and rate are shown, you're done -- go back to your project, and you should now be able to proceed.
NOTE: Click the Tariffs link to view all of the tariffs that apply to this zip code.
2) If the above step does not result in the correct information being shown, please submit a request (Submit Request link) to support with the details of the address you're using, the utilities that were shown, and the correct/expected utility and tariff(s). We'll get it added to the database as quickly as possible.