Tips and Tricks

Get Your Computer to Open the Desired Email Client when Clicking on a Contact's Email

This article explains how to setup your computer so that your desired Email client opens when clicking a “MailTo” link in SolarNexus

Using a local email client on Windows
  • Change default browser and/or email client on Mac
  • Windows (all browsers): Control Panel -> Default Programs -> Set Your Default Programs -> click program name on the left, click Choose Defaults for this program on the right, then select MAILTO

Setting Browsers to Open Desired Email Clients

Google Chrome

  1. Open your Chrome web browser.
  2. Click the Chrome menu icon in the top right-hand corner of the window.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click Show Advanced Settings at the bottom of the page. 
  5. Under "Privacy," click Content Settings.
  6. Scroll down to the "Handlers" section, and click the Manage Handlers button.
  7. Select your desired, default email client (e.g. Gmail).

Also, may need to use a plug-in:


  1. Open your Firefox web browser.
  2. Click the Firefox menu the top left-hand corner of the window.
  3. Click Options (PC) or Preferences (Macintosh).
  4. Click the Applications subtab.
  5. Use the search bar for "mailto."
  6. Click the drop-down menu under the "Action" column.
  7. Select your desired, default email client (e.g. Use Gmail). 

  8. Click OK. (Note: On a Macintosh computer, your settings will automatically be saved, so you will not need to click OK.)


  1. Open your Safari web browser.
  2. Install the "Google Mailto Extension" for Safari by clicking the following link: Google Mailto Extension
  3. Click the Downloads icon (arrow pointing down) at the top right-hand side of the window.
  4. Double-click the extension that you just downloaded.


  5. Click Install once prompted.
  6. In the "Options" section, select your desired, default email client (e.g. Use Gmail). (Note: Once you click on an email client, it is automatically saved.)
  7. When finished, restart your browser by quitting and reopening it.

Internet Explorer

  1. Open your Windows computer's Control Panel.
  2. Click Internet Options.
  3. Click the Programs tab.
  4. Select the desired email client from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click OK. (Note: To set Gmail or Yahoo! as your default email client for mailto links, see the sections below.)

To install Gmail as your default email client in Internet Explorer

  1. Open your Internet Explorer web browser.
  2. Install the Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer by clicking this link: Google Toolbar.
  3. Once installed, click the Toolbar Options icon (wrench icon) in the top right-hand side of the window.
  4. Scroll down to the "Web-browsing tools" section, and select Use Gmail for "Mail To" links.

  5. Click Save