Getting Started with Solo
Planset & Engineering
- MissionControl: Pricing
- MissionControl: Adders
- MissionControl: Design Preferences
- MissionControl: Batteries
- MissionControl: Finance Options
- MissionControl: Inverters
- MissionControl: Modules
- MissionControl: Proposal Theme
- MissionControl: Optimizers
- MissionControl: Shade Report
- MissionControl: Lender Priority
- MissionControl: DXF
- MissionControl: Company Settings
General Owner Settings
- Contact Support
- Application Overview
- Update Notes
- Tips and Tricks
- Integrating SolarNexus with Other Applications
- Incentives and Finance Programs
- Documents: Templates and DocuSign
- Shared Company Resources
- Reporting
- Project Data
- Resources: Service Offerings, Pricing, & Solution
- Resources: Products and Catalogs
- Project Milestones and Workflow Management
- Account and User Management
- Managing Sold Projects
- Energy and Financial Analysis
- PV Systems, Energy Storage, and Efficiency Measure
- Manage Sales Opportunities
- Create and Manage Jobs (Projects and Work Orders)
- Misc
- User Account Maintenance
- Utility Bills
- Managing Company Catalog
- Managing Projects
- Financial Analysis
- PV System Design and Production Estimates
- Video - Webinars and Tutorials
User Support
What's New
How are the fire setbacks being determined? Are they more than just the national fire offsets?
Fire offsets currently default to national standards only if the company does not have state or city specific overrides in their design preferences and Solo doesn't have an AHJ for that area in its database. If either of those data points exist, the design tool will have fire offsets that are not national standards (it will default to the company’s design preferences first, then move to AHJ data if those do not exist). To request setback overrides for your company, a user with SAAS Owner or SAAS Admin permissions can reach out to Customer Support.