PV System Design and Production Estimates
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  2. SolarNexus
  3. PV System Design and Production Estimates

How does SolarNexus estimate PV production?

SolarNexus integrates NREL's PVWatts (pvwatts.nrel.gov) for PV system production estimates. You can verify SolarNexus production estimates with PVWatts output, but you must match all of the assumptions (i.e. weather station, STC rating and module orientation per array, all losses, inverter efficiencies).

SolarNexus has built quite a few features for automatically updating input parameters into the PVWatts production model, including shading losses and variations in assumed losses when various module level power electronics are used in the design. These features simplify use of the software to get accurate PV system production estimates.

For more details about these model parameters and SolarNexus features, see PV System Production Modeling.