Understanding the Proposal

How to Qualify a Homeowner for a GoodLeap Loan in the Solo Proposal

  1. In the customer's Proposal, tap the "Qualify" button. 

  2. In the loan application pop-up, enter the customer's information. Their name, phone number, email address, and physical address should auto-fill. Make sure to enter in the customer's phone type, the last four digits of their SSN, birthday, annual income, occupation, employment status, citizenship status, home ownership, and home occupancy. 

  3. If there is a co-applicant, make sure to expand the option and fill out the co-applicants information as well.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the application and have the customer read and sign the loan application agreement. 
  5. Press "Submit".

NOTE: Make sure your credentials through the lender are provided in our platform or the “Qualify” button will not show up.

Watch How to Run Credit in the Proposal