MissionControl: Design Preferences
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Navigating Proposal Design Preferences

Owner feature only! 

The first section of the proposal preferences will pertain to system specifications that the proposal designer will adhere to when creating the initial design:

  • Minimum Module Count (System): This will be the minimum number of panels a system should have. If we cannot fit at least this many panels on the proposal in total, we will not send the proposal and a message will be sent to the user who requested the proposal.

  • Minimum Module Count (Array): This will be the minimum number of panels a single array can have. If we cannot fit at least this many panels on an array, it will not be added onto the design. 

  • Minimum System Size: This will be the smallest system size we can send on a proposal (different from minimum module count, this will be based on the total kW system size). If we cannot meet this minimum the proposal will not  be sent and a message will be sent to the user who made the request. 

  • Maximum System Size: This will be the biggest system size we can send on a proposal. Our designers will not build systems bigger than this size, unless specifically requested. 

  • Preferred Offset: This will be the offset that our proposalist will build up to with a system. Once the system is big enough to meet this offset, they will no longer place panels unless “Max Offset” was specified in the request”. 

  • Prefer Max Offset: If checked, the designer will place as many panels as they can on the home, as long as they fit within the rest of the preferences. This will override the Preferred Offset. 

  • Additional Practices: This is where you can add any other specifications that can't be covered in the rest of the Design Preferences. To make updates to this section, please reach out to Customer Support.

    • The Common Practices section will have pre-written verbiage for common additional practices. 

If these specifications differ for ground mount designs, you can set that up by clicking “Create Ground Mount Practices”. 

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The “Hardware” section will summarize your company’s equipment selection, including defaults and any state-specific conditions. For inverters, it will only list the manufacturer names and not each individual model. 

NOTE: Any equipment marked as Cad Only will not appear in this list. unnamed (2)-1

Panel Orientation Priority will determine which orientation the designer will default to when building arrays: Portrait, Landscape, or Mixed. unnamed (3)-1

Company Fire Setbacks will allow you to set your own custom fire setbacks. This will override Solo's default fire setbacks, as well as any AHJ fire setbacks we may have in our system for the specified area. Multiple setback overrides can be set, and they can each be state, county, and city specific. Setbacks can be set for Eaves, Rakes, Ridges, Hips, and Valleys. To make updates to this section, please reach out to Customer Support.

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Azimuth Priority will determine which orientation our designers will prioritize when building arrays. If your company has additional specifications regarding azimuth, those can be added in Additional Practices (for example, if you require reverse tilt on specific azimuths). 

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The Special Requests section is used to restrict what type of revision requests can be made by your users. This directly relates to the Special Requests section of the revision request. Keep in mind, if all of these are checked off, revision requests cannot be requested. unnamed (6)