What's New

New Feature Friday: June 2

Happy Friday, everyone! Take a look to see what's new over at Solo this week and learn more about our new features! 

  • Self-Service: Batteries

Add the battery savings page to your Proposal! Any states that use time-of-use rates will be able to use the battery page to show savings.

With the addition of batteries to the self-service portal, users now have the ability to add battery options that have been labeled as ‘Self Service Ready’ to their own company. Users will be able to manage when batteries are available and what the price should be. To learn more about the battery savings page in your proposal and how to add batteries to your account, press the Learn More button below. 



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  1. New Feature Friday: May 5
  2. New Feature Friday: May 19
  3. What is the California TOU Battery Savings Page?
  4. Welcome to Solo's Help Center!
  5. Solo User Roles & Permissions