SolarNexus allows you to define all of your own field sections on the Job screen, including any combination of custom and pre-defined fields. Furthermore, you can choose to change the order of field sections based on where you are in the process. For example, you'll probably want to move "Motivations and Purchasing Drivers" to the bottom of the list after you make the sale because its not important to the operations team.
About Field Sections
All the fields displayed on the Job tab are grouped into different sections that reflect their relationships. The field sections in the default Job screen vary based on job type:
- Projects: Other Participants, Project Information, Property, Motivations and Purchasing Drivers, and Additional Information.
- Work Order, depends on process. For example, Diagnose and Repair includes: Work Order, Problem Assessment and Resolution, Originating Job Information.
The Job tab looks like the example below:
Steps to update your Job tab
- Configure content within Field Sections
- Configure featured Field Sections
Configure Content within Field Sections
- Navigate to Administration > Lead and Job Data.
- From the left menu, select "Field Sections." You will see each section with the fields listed in display order.
- In each section identify fields that you never use, and delete them.
- If you want to add custom fields into each section, click the add icon and select fields from the list.
- Drag fields in each section to adjust the order of appearance.
- You can edit the name of each field section by clicking the Edit icon for each section.
- You can also create or delete field sections.
- The "Other Participants" section is predefined by the application and cannot be edited.
- Deleting a field from a Field Section does not delete the field itself, nor affect data stored in that field.
- TIP: Consider when fields are edited by your staff and group fields in the same section that need to be edited together.
Configure featured Field Sections
This step lets you define the display order of field sections on the Job screen, and specify which sections to minimize at the bottom during each phase of the job.
- Navigate to Administration > Job Processes.
- Select the "Standard Project Process."
- Click the Edit Process Definition icon.
- Select which field sections will be used during you project process, and drag to set their display order from top to bottom of the Job tab. Click Save.
- Next click the Featured Sections icon (star icon).
- One by one, click on each milestone group (aka job phase) and select which field sections should be featured at the top of the Job screen. Uncheck the box for any field sections that are unimportant during that job phase.
- Click Save.
Now open some projects and see the results!