MissionControl: Inverters

Setting Optimizer Requirements

Owner feature only!

  1. Navigate to the inverter editor in MissionControl, for the inverter option you’d like to adjust:

  2. The “Require Optimizer” field will have three selectable options: 

    1. Required: When this inverter is selected on the proposal, an optimizer must be selected as well. 

    2. Optional: When this inverter is selected on the proposal, the option to select an optimizer will be available but will not be required. 

    3. No: When this inverter is selected on the proposal, the optimizer selection field will not appear and no optimizer needs to be selected. NOTE: All microinverters will default to this option. 

  3. Make sure to specify inverter compatibility in the optimizer editor for any inverter’s whose requirements are “Required” or “Optional”.

  4. Don’t forget to save the changes you made!