Getting Started with Solo
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  2. Getting Started with Solo

Setting Up Multi-Factor Authentication

Setting Up a Multi-Factor Authentication

  1. While in your Solo account, scroll down to the Multi-Factor Authentication section.

  2. Make sure that the Multi-Factor Authenticationtoggle is turned on.

  3. Press the "Add Authentication Method" button. 

  4. Add a mobile phone number in the "Enter your phone number" field. Then, press "Continue".

  5. A text message with a code will be sent to the mobile phone number used. Enter the code into the "Enter the 6-digit code" field. 

  6. After entering the 6-digit code, a page will say, "You have successfully added a new authentication factor".

Viewing and Deleting an Authentication Method:

  1. Back on your profile page, under the Two-Factor Authentication section, the phone number added to the account will show. If you need to delete or change the phone number listed, press the "Delete Authentication Method" button. 

  2. A page will appear to confirm deleting the authentication method. To proceed, press "Delete".