API Documentation

Solo API Endpoints


To obtain an API key, please fill out this form and our team will provide you
with a key custom to you. (keep this key safe!)

To use the Swagger UI, click the green ‘Authorize’ button and paste your
integrator key in the text field.

If not using swagger, add this key to the api key header in your code.

Making a request

Click on one of the endpoints available in the provided documentation.


You can view the details of what is needed for the call listed in the parameters section. After entering the required parameters, press the execute button and see the response. Some calls may require making other calls first to obtain specific ids from a list of options.

This will generate a cURL command that can be run in a terminal, or analyzed to see the full detail of what was sent.

Base URL: phx.gosolo.io/api/v3

Below that, you should see the full response body with headers. This will let
you know if you were successful or not and why.

Provided at the end of each call segment are sample responses you can compare it against.

You’ll be able to use that to build out the request yourself to integrate with
our platform!