Create and Manage Jobs (Projects and Work Orders)
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  3. Create and Manage Jobs (Projects and Work Orders)

"Test" Jobs

Creating fake or bogus jobs in SolarNexus is an effective way to train users and test new features.  Unfortunately, these jobs can get in the way of conducting your actual business because they get listed in your Sales and Installs screens and any associated tasks get added to user's task lists. Having fake or bogus jobs also skews reporting results.  To avoid these and other issues, SolarNexus allows you to create "Test" jobs in your account that are segregated from production jobs.

About Test Jobs

All users can create jobs in SolarNexus that are designated as being ONLY for testing/training.  SolarNexus distinguishes between a reference test job and an individual test job, as described here:

  1. REFERENCE TEST - Reference test jobs are used as a "show and tell" device, for showing users what a proper job would look like. All users in the account can access reference test jobs, even if they are not associated with them. Users can access reference test jobs as if they had the "Associate" role on those jobs. Only users with Administrator OR Global Sales Management permissions may create a reference test job.
  2. INDIVIDUAL TEST - Individual test jobs are for individual users to train on the system and "play" with new features. Individual test jobs are only accessible by the user creating the job, so you don't need to worry about "messing up" on something that everyone else on the team will see.

Jobs created as tests can be deleted at any time and do not appear in reporting.

  Test Job Behaviors

Creating and Deleting Test Jobs

When manually creating a project lead or work order, a user may designate the job as a "Test" by checking a box on the New Lead or New Work Order form.

  • Any user with permission to create a job may create an "Individual test" job.
  • Users with "Global Sales Management" or "Administrator" permission may create "Reference" test jobs.
  • On creation, SolarNexus automatically pre-pends job name with "[TEST-Ref]" or "[TEST-Ind].
  • Existing customers can be associated with both TEST and production jobs - Users will have to take responsibility for making sure that they don't associate real customers with tests so that they can avoid sending send emails to them on completion of milestones.
  • A TEST work order can be added to a TEST project. In this case, SolarNexus automatically pre-pends the work order name with "[TEST-Ref]" or "[Test Ind]" designation.
  • A TEST work order may NOT be added to a production project.
  • Users may delete test jobs
    • Individual test projects can only be deleted by the user who created it.
    • Reference test projects can only be deleted by users with Administrator or Global Sales Manager permissions.
    • You can delete a test job by opening that job's workspace and clicking the delete icon following the job's name.
    • You may also delete a test job from the Sales screen using the delete icon in the Actions column.
    • Test jobs can also be deleted from the Search results screen

Viewing Test Jobs

  • Users can never see each other's individual test projects on Sales/Installs/Tasks lists.
  • Universal Search results do not return any individual test jobs for another user's individual test jobs
  • The Sales/Installs/Task screens all contain a new "Test Status:" filter.
  • On Sales/Installs/Tasks screens, all users can choose to view/open reference test jobs.
  • On Sales/Installs/Tasks screens, all users can choose to view their own individual test jobs.
  • No production jobs are shown at same time with test jobs.

Changing an Existing Job to a Test Job

An administrator may change an existing production job to an individual or reference test job.  (This will allow account administrators to clean up any bogus jobs created before this feature was available.)  To convert a production job to a test job, search for the job in the universal search bar.  On the search results page, production jobs have an action icon allowing the Administrator to convert a job to a test .job

Any job created as a test (reference or individual) cannot be changed to a production job.

Processing Test Jobs

  • All test projects move through defined job processes normally - all features work normally (task and role assignments, rules, even third party email notifications).  Regular users who do not have permissions to assign milestones may not be able to complete milestones for their sold individual test jobs.
  • Assignments of tasks/roles on Test jobs via workgroups are separated from same assignments for production jobs. This ensures that test job assignments do not skew any round-robin or least-occupied algorithm on production job assignments.
  • Automated milestone assignments to workgroup members for test jobs are are also considered separately from automated assignments for production jobs. Assignments of users to test job milestones does not affect round-robin or least occupied assignment of milestones for production jobs.
  • SolarNexus does NOT send any internal notifications for Test jobs. For example, when a user is assigned to a task or role on a test job, SN does not send notifications to that user being assigned.
  • If a user gets associated with another user's test job (via project role or task assignment), that user can access the job, but only if the user inputs that job's URL. Since they get no notification, and cannot see these tasks or jobs on their Sales/Installs/Tasks screens, they are essentially invisible to them. If an individual test job's creator shares the a given test job's URL with another user, then the other user can open the creator user's test job if associated (normal permissions are enforced).


All data related to Jobs that are flagged as Tests do not appear in ANY reports.

Test Jobs and Third Party Integrations

SolarNexus disables the ability to post test projects to Verse.

SolarNexus does continue to send webhooks for test projects.

Potential Future Enhancements:

  • Add ability to post Test projects to an account via API
  • Stop sending webhooks for test projects. Add a "Send for Test Jobs" option for individual webhooks.