Planset Support

Understanding and Resolving Impeded Jobs

When a job is impeded you will be notified by email if you are listed as permit coordinator. If you are not a permit coordinator, please contact CAD Customer Support so you can get added! 

You will receive a notification that will include a link to the customer's information page. The email will state that the SLA is paused and will resume once the impediment is resolved. 

A job is impeded when the CAD team is missing information or needs clarification.

Below are some examples of impediments:

To resolve an impediment:

  1. In the text box under "Actions Taken to Resolve", type in the resolution and/or actions. 
  2. Tap "Resolve Impeded".

  3. If more photos are requested, they can be uploaded under the "New Files" and you can let us know which photos are uploaded through the notes section. 

  4. Once resolved, the SLA will resume, and it will reflect in our job queue. Please do not resolve this unless you have a resolution. If you have questions about the impediment, please reach out to CAD Customer Support.