General Owner Settings
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  2. General Owner Settings

User Roles

User roles will determine the permissions and access a user has within Solo. Certain features on the proposal or access to certain functionalities within Solo can be restricted by role. Users have two kinds of roles: 

  • Primary roles: This will be the role that gives them their main access and will identify their status in Solo. This will be the role referred to in any permission-based features and will control what pages they can see within the software. 

  • Additional roles: These are roles that give a user access to special features, like DirectDesign for example. 

Primary Roles

SAAS Owner: Users with an owner role can see anything under the company they’re assigned to. They have access to view and create users, customers, and proposals under their entire company (including all child and/or grandchild accounts). They can request for changes to be made to any aspect of any part of their company structure, such as Design Preferences, Proposal Theme, Equipment, etc. SAAS Owners also have access to all billing information and the MissionControl portal. 

SAAS Sales Admin: This role can see everything under the company they are assigned to. Like owners, they have access to view and create all users, customers, and proposals under their entire company (including all child and/or grandchild accounts). They can request for changes to be made to any aspect of any part of their company structure, such as Design Preferences, Proposal Theme, Equipment, etc. The biggest difference between the SAAS Owner roles and the SAAS Admin roles is that Admins do not have access to billing or MissionControl. 

SAAS Account Manager: Account Managers have the same functionality and accessibility as sales reps, however, they can see all customers within their company. They can create customers, request proposals & revisions, and request documents. They can also re-assign their own jobs or any of the jobs under their company. They cannot see any user information (aside from their own) or any company settings.

SAAS Sales Manager: Sales Managers have the same functionality and accessibility as sales reps, however, other users can be assigned under them, allowing their customer information to be visible in addition to their own. They can create customers, request proposals & revisions, and request documents. They can also re-assign their own jobs or the jobs of the reps assigned to them. Their direct reports will be listed in their profile under Primary and Secondary reps.

SAAS Sales Rep: Sales reps are only able to see information about THEIR direct clients. They can create customers, request proposals & revisions, and request documents. They also can re-assign their customers to another user, but not vice versa. Sales reps can be assigned to a manager, who will then have access to their user and customer accounts. 

SAAS CAD only: This permission will allow the user to submit for CAD and CAD only. Leads entered into the system will be immediately directed to the CAD request page. They cannot request proposals or any other services. 

SAAS Sales Manager - User Creation: This role has the same functionality as the SAAS Sales Manager, but they get the additional ability to create users. 

SAAS Setter: Typically, a setter is the one who will set up the appointment and input the customer information, then hand it off to the rep to request the design and sell the system. In our system, the setter role functions the same as the sales rep role, with one difference. When a customer is created by a user with the Setter role, it will not go into the queue. Instead, the customer status will be set as Lead, and a user with a different/additional role will need to manually request the proposal.

SAAS Setter Manager: This permission has the same abilities as the setter, but Setter Managers are able to see and manage leads of the setters assigned to them. This permission setting cannot request proposals or any other services. 

SAAS Scheduler: This permission will allow the user to see all leads entered into the system by setters and manually assign them to whichever rep they would like. 

Additional Roles

SAAS Request CAD: This additional role allows a user to have the ability to complete and submit a request for a CAD. 

Sr Rep - DirectDesign: This additional role will give the user the ability to use DirectDesign (which allows them to adjust the design of a proposal). 

SAAS CAD Only: This additional role restricts the user to CAD-only content in Solo. They can only request CAD designs but not proposals or documents. Aside from this restriction, the user has the normal visibility of their primary role.

RDCL: This additional role allows users access to schedule site surveys with the RDCL integration. This additional role is paired with the RDCL+Solo integration, for more information you can navigate to this section HERE.  

NOTE: Aside from the two above (SAAS CAD Only and SAAS Request CAD), we highly discourage the use of any SAAS role in the Additional Roles field, as it can interfere with permission-based features on the proposal. Solo user roles are set up in a hierarchy, meaning higher roles encompass the functionality of all roles below them, so it is unnecessary to use the additional roles feature to give a user more SAAS access.