Using the RFX Adder

  1. Access the RFX adder in your sidebar menu.

  2. Tap into the Preferred Adders tab.

  3. Press the Request a Quote button.

  4. In the drop-down. select the current roof material.

  5. Next, Select your desired roof material.

  6. The next field requires the number of layers of material on the roof. Hover over the Tooltip to reveal an aid of what layers will look like on a roof.

  7. The next field question will ask if re-decking is required. There is another tooltip you can use for visual help and a further explanation.

  8. In the drop-down, select the percentage of how much of the roof that needs to be replaced.

  9. Lastly, select if the customer is wanting to include a detached structure.

  10. Once all fields are filled out & complete, press Submit.

  11. RFX has a near-instant roof quote for the homeowner (between 2-8 seconds from the time of submit to retrieval).

  12. Make sure the check box is selected!

  13. Once the quote loads and the adder is selected press update.

  14. The Net System Cost will now reflect pricing with roofing!