Release Notes

Welcome to Solo's Help Center!


Welcome to Solo's Help Center! We're so happy to have you here. Feel free to look around all of your frequently asked questions, walkthroughs, and product updates, but first, join our raffle contest! 


How you can join: 

Well, you made it past step one - you made it to the Help Center and the raffle contest post! Now for the fun part. Follow along with this article and at the very bottom, leave a comment about what you love most about Solo! Once you comment, you'll be entered into the raffle! 


To comment, you will need to sign up with our help center (which is completely free). Need help signing up? No problem! I got your back. Follow the steps below to learn how to sign up. 

  1. At the top of the Help Center website, tap the button labeled"Community Login".

  2. Next to the prompt "New to the community?" tap the "Sign up button". 

  3. You can sign up by entering your name, an email address, and creating a password or you can create an account with your Google or LinkedIn account. Please note this will be a separate login from your Solo account! 

  4. Lastly, if you entered your email address (i.e, you did not use Google or LinkedIn to sign up), you will need to confirm your account. 

  5. Once confirmed, you're ready to go! 


Now that you made your account, leave a comment about what you love most about Solo! Once you comment, you'll be entered into the raffle! The winner will be chosen on May 1st.

Happy Learning!    
