Engineering Support

What does Solo require for a Flat Roof Engineering Request?

All required images must depict the required element in the space below the proposed panel placement, with measuring tape. 

Rafter Spacing

  • Rafter spacing is the horizontal distance between the parallel rafters measured from one rafter's center to the next one. 

  • To find the rafter spacing on a flat roof, you will need to use a stud finder, mark the location of two studs, and upload an image of the measurements between them. 

Rafter Depth

  • Rafter depth is the vertical distance between the top and bottom edges of a roof rafter. 

  • To find the rafter/truss sizing, you’ll need to upload imaging of the following measurements: 

    • Measure from the top of the parapet to the roof decking (A)

    • Measure the top of an inside window sill to the ceiling (B)

    • Measure outside, from the top of the same window to the top of the parapet (C)


No Attic Access:

Flat roofs typically do not have attic access, if this is the case, access can be achieved through the below methods. 

  1. Pulling back the soffit under the overhang of the roof. 

  2. Removing the bathroom vent cavity and taking photos in the cavity spacing.