- Solo Help Center
- SolarNexus
- Utility Bills
Getting Started with Solo
Planset & Engineering
- MissionControl: Pricing
- MissionControl: Adders
- MissionControl: Design Preferences
- MissionControl: Batteries
- MissionControl: Finance Options
- MissionControl: Inverters
- MissionControl: Modules
- MissionControl: Proposal Theme
- MissionControl: Optimizers
- MissionControl: Shade Report
- MissionControl: Lender Priority
- MissionControl: DXF
- MissionControl: Company Settings
General Owner Settings
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- Resources: Service Offerings, Pricing, & Solution
- Resources: Products and Catalogs
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- Utility Bills
- Managing Company Catalog
- Managing Projects
- Financial Analysis
- PV System Design and Production Estimates
- Video - Webinars and Tutorials
User Support
What's New
Why is there no D-CARE NEM 2.0 rate for SCE?
As of April 2019, there is no longer a separate post-solar rate schedule for D-CARE in SolarNexus. To apply the CARE discount:
1. Select the post-solar tariff (e.g. TOU-4-9PM)
2. Expand the Tariff Rate Criteria and Eligibility section in Analysis Parameters > Electric Tariff
3. Check the "Has CARE discount" box
4. Click Analyze