You must have administrative permissions to add or remove a user from your company's SolarNexus account. To manage users, go to Administration > Users.
Add a User
Your company's SolarNexus account may have as many active users as you have licenses. To add a new user, you must first have an available license. The top left side of the Users screen will show you how many total licenses your company has paid for, and how many are currently in use (see screenshot below).
If you have an available license, simply click the "Invite" button and fill out the form. SolarNexus will send the new user an invite Email. The new user will click the link in the Email which will bring them into SolarNexus where they input their password and they can begin.
If you do not have any freely available licenses, you have two options:
- Edit Your Subscription to add more licenses (see Manage Your Subscription)
- Deactivate/delete an existing user to free up a license for your new user (see below). Licenses may be transferred from one user to another user, provided one user is first deactivated.
When you add a new user, it is important to set the user permissions correctly.
Delete/Deactivate a User
On the Users screen, click the "X" icon for the user you want to delete/deactivate a user. (see below).
On clicking the delete/deactivate icon for a user, SolarNexus will first determine whether this user has any project dependencies, such as assignments to any project roles, or assignment to any project milestones.
Users with project dependencies will be deactivated, rather than deleted in order to maintain accurate records on completed projects or lost opportunities.
Note that inactive users do not require a paid license, you can have as many inactive users as you like. You may reactivate an inactive user at a later date.
When deactivating a user, SolarNexus provides the opportunity to reassign this user's project roles and milestones to another user. This feature reassigns each of the deactivated user's project roles to a single selected user for each role, and all of his currently assigned milestones to a single user. If you'd like to reassign the deactivated user's projects to multiple users instead (for example, divide his leads between multiple sales owners), you can do batch assignments prior to deactivating the user. (See Using Job/Project Roles)
Unfortunately not all employees work out. And when one doesn't, you need to effectively remove them from your SolarNexus account.
The good news is that SolarNexus does not name licenses. That is, you can deactivate one user and have another user take his or place using the same already paid for license. But how?
Preferred process is as follows:
Option A - User replacing outgoing user is already a user
- Click delete/inactivate icon for user who is leaving
- In the resulting dialog, select user(s) to whom assignments will be transferred
Option B - User replacing outgoing user is not already a user
- Click delete/inactivate icon for user who is leaving
- Do not transfer any assignments
- Activate new user
- View profile of inactivated user. In the Responsibilities section, you can see what specific responsibilities user has, and can pick individual projects to open and change responsibilities for. Or click the Transfer All Responsibilities button and pick new users.
DO NOT replace one user's name with another
Although technically an option, we strongly discourage changing the administrative information about any user in an attempt to change from one user to another. This would make the new user appear to have been responsible for all the things that the previous user did while working for your company. Its best to leave history alone, and to transfer current responsibilities to a new user as described above instead.