SolarNexus is a subscription service. Your subscription controls your company's access to the SolarNexus software features, and determines how frequently, and how much you pay.
You must have administrative permissions to access your company's subscription. You access and manage your subscription by navigating to Administration > Subscription.
You can do the following:
- Select SolarNexus edition (AllPro, ProjectPro, SalesPro)
- Add/Remove user licenses
- Set billing period (payment frequency - monthly, annually)
- Input/update credit card details
- Cancel Your Subscription
Adding Licenses
Click Edit Subscription. You'll see the editor below. You can increase the number of licenses by inputting a larger quantity and clicking Save. SolarNexus will display a confirmation screen that tells you how much your credit card will be charged. SolarNexus pro-rates the license charge for the added licenses based on the percentage of time remaining in the current billing period.
Reducing Licenses
The note below the User License quantity tells you how many currently active users you have. That is the minimum number of licenses you must have. If you wish to decrease your license quantity below that number, you must first deactivate users. For example, if you have 10 currently active users, but you wish to reduce the total paid licenses to 8, then you will need to choose which 2 users to deactivate. See Adding and Removing Users.
Once you have fewer active users than licenses, you can reduce your license quantity. On clicking Save, SolarNexus will display a confirmation of the reduction in user licenses, and will show the new charge to be assessed at the start of the next billing period.
Cancelling Your Subscription
Once you have fulfilled any contactually-defined subscription period, you may cancel your subscription. Simply edit your subscription, click the "cancel paid subscription" checkbox, and save. Checking that box tells SolarNexus NOT to renew your subscription in the next renewal period. Therefore, your users will still have full access of the application until your next renewal date. You may also choose to stop the cancellation by simply editing and unchecking the cancellation checkbox prior to the renewal date.
If left to cancel, SolarNexus will convert your account to a free "Lead Manager" edition of SolarNexus on the next renewal date. This edition enables a single user (the primary administrator on the account) to continue to login to the account and to access all existing data, however most features will be disabled. The primary admin user will continue to have access to the account as long as it remains 'in-use.'
SolarNexus will check daily to see if the account is still in use. After 120 days of inactivity (no logins), then SolarNexus will archive the account, and delete all files and job records. SolarNexus will send notification emails to primary admin after 30 days of inactivity, and again 2 days prior to archiving the account. The primary admin user can:
- Login to the account which will restart the 120 day inactivity period
- Re-activate the subscription by simply editing the subscription, changing the edition and inputting valid payment information.
- Or simply let SolarNexus archive the account