Resources: Products and Catalogs
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Company Catalog Import / Export

SolarNexus provides a set of features for importing and exporting your SolarNexus Company Catalog of products. These features are a means for:

  • Quickly populating your SolarNexus Company Catalog at startup with existing cost items that you use for building customer quotes
  • Managing your product information using a spreadsheet program
  • Integrating product cost updates from suppliers into your Company Catalog

Things you can do:

  • Create new products
  • Update existing products (product manufacturers, names, descriptions,  

Things you cannot do:

  • Create new PV Modules or Inverters
  • Manage variable product costs
  • Set more than one primary supplier

The Import / Export functionality is found in a pane at the left side of Company Catalog screen. The available operations are:

  1. Export to CSV - This outputs your existing Company Catalog into a CSV file.
  2. Import Products from CSV - 
  3. Summary of Last Import Operation - 
  4. Sample CSV File - This outputs a sample CSV file that shows the columns present in any import or export. You can use this file as the format to build a set of new products for import.

Each operation is described in detail below.

Export to CSV

This operation downloads a CSV file of your complete Company Catalog.  This is useful for managing bulk product cost updates to your catalog within a spreadsheet. You simply make your updates to individual products, save the updates, and import the modified file back into SolarNexus (see Import Products from CSV below). You can also add new products to the same file for updating the Company Catalog.

This feature should also provide reassurance that you can always get your data out of SolarNexus, should you ever need to (we sincerely hope not!).

Import Products from CSV

This operation imports a file from your computer and populates your Company Catalog with its contents.  The import process can create new products in the Company Catalog and update attributes for existing products in the Company Catalog.

The file must be in comma separated value (CSV) format, and must include the header row as defined by SolarNexus. You may get a file formatted this way by exporting your current Company Catalog (see Export to CSV above), or by downloading a sample CSV file (see Sample CSV File below).

The process of importing is simple. Just select the CSV file from your file system, and specify whether SolarNexus should overwrite existing data in the Company Catalog with the data provided in the CSV file.

If overwrite products is checked, then the import process for each item in the CSV is as follows:

  1. First checks for existing SolarNexus Company Catalog ID, if one is present then overwrites existing product data with data in CSV.
  2. If no SolarNexus ID, checks if there is a Public Catalog product that matches the product in CSV. If so, adds that product from the Public Catalog to the Company Catalog and populates the provided cost and categorization information.
  3. Next checks if the item matches any existing company catalog products (Manufacturer, Model). If it does, then overwrites existing product with CSV data.
  4. If no matches are found, creates a new product.

If overwrite checkbox is unchecked, then CSV data for existing products is ignored (only new products will be added).

On initiating an import, SolarNexus displays a screen that shows the current import status (scheduled / running). Since the import can take some time (depending on number of products), SolarNexus schedules an asynchronous process to do the import. This means that instead of waiting for SolarNexus to finish, you can go off to do something else while SolarNexus does the work in the background. If you do stay on the status screen, SolarNexus will update and show the results when complete. Otherwise you can go to the Summary of Last Import Operation when returning to the Company Catalog. Either way, the results are described in the Summary of Last Import Operation section below.

Supported CSV Fields

The same rules enforced by the SolarNexus Company Catalog UI  apply to the data provided in the CSV file. The following fields are supported, an asterisk (*) indicates a required field:

  • SolarNexus Company Catalog ID (only provided when Company Catalog is exported, having the value makes import updates more effective) 
  • Category* (must be a legal SolarNexus value, see below)
  • Sub-category (must be a legal SolarNexus value, see below)
  • Mfr / Provider*
  • Model / Name*
  • Description
  • Product Selection Help
  • Unit* (must be a legal SolarNexus value, see below)
  • Company Unit Cost
  • Cost Structure* (must be a legal SolarNexus value, see below)
  • Cost Category* (must be a legal SolarNexus value, see below)
  • Supplier1 Name (must be a supplier defined in your SolarNexus account)
  • Supplier1 Catalog Number
  • Supplier1 Cost
  • Supplier1 Primary (only one Supplier may be primary)
  • Supplier2 Name (must be a supplier defined in your SolarNexus account)
  • Supplier2 Catalog Number
  • Supplier2 Cost
  • Supplier2 Primary

NOTE: Markup is not an included field.  SolarNexus is no longer supporting individual product markups in feature enhancements. If your company is still using the legacy individual line item markups, we suggest that you switch to using Percentages of Solution Sub-Total for markups. You can make this change from the Administration > Project Settings screen. See the Project Settings > Indirect Project Costs section of the Administering Your Company Account article for more information.


Product Category / Sub-Category, Legal Values:

Category Sub-Category
PV Modules -

String inverters - grid-tie

Microinverters - grid-tie

Battery-based inverters - grid-tie / off-grid

Inverter Options and Accessories 

Integrated Component Options

Interconnection Wiring

Installation Accessories

Warranties & Service Agreements 

DC Optimizers -
Labor and Admin -
General Material 

Business administration


Design & permitting 

Inspections & commissioning 

Operations & maintenance 

Sales leads 

Mounting Structures  

Roof & Ground Racking 

Pole Mounts 



Combiner & Junction Boxes

Wire & Accessories 

Disconnects & Switches 

Overcurrent & Ground Fault Protection 

Load Centers 

Connectors & Terminals

Transformers & Converters

Surge Protection

Labels & Signage

Conduit & Fittings 


Metering, Monitoring, & Telemetry

Grid-Tie System Monitoring

DC Meters & Battery Monitoring

AC kW-hr Meters & Monitoring

Control Interfaces

Sensors & Weather stations


Cable tools

Meters & Testers

Shade Assessment


Thermal Collectors -

Unit, Legal Values:

per module
per inverter
per array

Cost Structure, Legal Values:

Standard Cost
Variable Cost (cannot be used for adding new products)

Cost Category, Legal Values:

Materials:PV Modules
Materials:ACPV Modules
Materials:PV System Kits
Materials:Thermal Equipment
Materials:Mounting Structure and Hardware
Materials:Electrical Equipment
Materials and Labor:General
Labor:PV Installation
Labor:Thermal System Installation
Permitting Fees
Solar Thermal

Supplier Name, Legal Values:

You must use an exact name of a supplier created in your SolarNexus suppliers (Administration > Suppliers).


Supplier Primary, Legal Values:

TRUE, FALSE.  Only one Supplier can have Primary = TRUE.

Summary of Last Import Operation

Following each import, SolarNexus reports on results of last import operation, including:

  • Resulting status of import
  • Number of created products
  • Number of updated products
  • Number of unchanged products
  • Number of not overwritten products
  • Number of rows with errors
  • List of specific errors by row number

Some Sample Errors and Fixes:

Scenario Sample Error Fix
If you try to create a new PV module or inverter Line 10: Model / Name and Mfr / Provider values should match an existing Inverter product. You may not add PV modules or inverters to SolarNexus. Go to SolarNexus Public Catalog and select desired PV modules to add to your Company Catalog.
If you try to specify a supplier name that does not exist in your SolarNexus account. Line 7: No supplier named 'Joe's Engraving' - please add it in the Administration/Suppliers section. Go to Administration > Suppliers and create the desired supplier. Use that supplier name in your CSV.
If you try to specify that a product is supplied by an existing SolarNexus supplier with a pre-defined catalog that does not include that product. Line 6: ^Product SampleProductName is not supplied by AEE Solar, please select other supplier or Save resource with no suppliers associated. You can add supplier to this resource later.  

Sample CSV File

This operation downloads a sample CSV file in the proper format for import into SolarNexus. You can use this file as a guide to format your existing product data for import into SolarNexus. See above for details on that operation.