Once you open the hamburger menu on the left side of Solo, you can navigate throughout the app!
The Customers dropdown has two options Search and Create. Search will allow you to filter and find all existing customers. To learn more about finding a customer, click here to redirect to our Help Center article.
Create will allow you to create new customers (Telsa Solar Roof, Solar, CAD, or Roofing customers). To learn more about how to create a new customer, follow the articles below.
Solar Proposals
In the Solar Proposals dropdown, you can search for solar proposals, review the proposal queue, production validation, and available proposalists.
The Search option allows you to filter and find all created proposals. Through here, you can directly visit a customer proposal.
Inside the Queue, users can review the company's QA Real-Time Queue, QA Standard Queue, Real-Time Queue, and Standard Queue.
Roofing Proposals
Similar to the Solar Proposals section, the Roofing Proposals section allows you to review any of the company's roofing proposals.
In the docs drop-down, there are three options to select from. First, you can search through all previously requested docs. From the search page, you can review the sent date, when the docs were completed, and if/when the contract was signed.
The Docs Queue & Permit Queue will allow you to review all docs/permits in queue.
Inside the CAD dropdown, you can review all created CAD requests and their status, the impeded queue, CAD QA Queue, CAD revision feedback, and the ENG queue.
Review the setters queue through the Setters drop-down.
Review all training resources and support contact information.
Find and review our privacy policy and terms and conditions in this drop-down.
Restricted to Admins and Owners, these users can access MissionControl, reports/scheduled reports, and settings through this drop-down.
Watch an Overview of Solo's Side Menu